
企業要加快腳步學習web 2.0

企業要加快腳步學習web 2.0

HRB, Andrew McAfee 教授專研探討"企業應用 web 2.0 相關技術"主題。
他提出 Enterprise 2.0 觀點以及針對美國高等教育近幾年MBA課程與企業界對於 web2.0 技術與應用的認知進行深入探討。
在2006-11-7日發表 "Evangelizing in the Empty Quarter",認為目前美國企業界普遍現象為:
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It seems that when companies make these technologies widely available behind the firewall, the only two groups that quickly start using them are techies and newbies.

'Newbies' here means new entrants to the workforce; as I
wrote earlier, recent graduates find it natural to socialize, collaborate, and find what they're looking for via technology platforms (think of MySpace, Facebook, Flickr, Wikipedia, LastFM, del.icio.us, etc.). In addition to point, click, drag, and drop, their baseline computer skills include search, link, tag, and post.

'Techies' are IT staffers, and also those people scattered throughout the rest of the company who are the natural early adopters and advanced users of whatever technologies are available. My first job after my MBA was as an
operations management consultant. I quickly learned to look around at each new client and find the folk who programmed Excel macros or used Filemaker Pro or Crystal Reports (yes, this was a while ago). They always had the data we needed, or could find it for us. They were the techies, and there were never enough of them.

多數的企業中,僅有新進年輕員工( newbies)以及 領域或散佈各處(但為數不多)喜好專研並勇於嘗試新科技的技術人員)( Techies)能夠掌握瞭及了解web 2.0 工具特性並具備這方面的能力。新進年輕員工幾乎在校期間就已熟習web2.0 的各種使用操作運用能力並已融入日常生活作息,為習以為常,認為這些操作功能簡直像呼吸一樣的自然而簡單,Techies則是基於工作及興趣,不斷追隨技術發展持續精進。
但是企業裡的其他的員工,多屬對於 web 2.0 相關工具與功能操作或運用相當生疏,而且比例不低。

本篇文稿因而稱此族群為企業裡的 'the Empty Quarter'。 ( 依據wikipedia說法,就如同阿拉伯半島的廣大沙漠)。


The Empty Quarter現象,背後其實隱含著技術代溝,更是觀念代溝

擁有決策權的企業主管,需加把勁了! 活到老學到老。

